I could never imagine myself loving English until the first day of school. I remember walking to second period, nervous about what could await me. I entered a cozy classroom and breathed in a fall-scented candle. I knew right then that this would be one of my favorite classes.
Marissa Manfred has taught in Humble ISD for 25 years, but it’s her first year at Kingwood Pak. However, she has not backed down from the challenge of being a new teacher. She has stayed true to herself and taught English in the most fun way possible. My writing has improved so much in less than a year.
I always enjoy English with Ms. Manfred because she shows a real passion for the subject. While the work is hard, she finds a way to make it interesting and engaging. I love coming to class and seeing how she’s decided to make vocabulary into an art project, or how she found a fun video to explain a book to us. It never feels like a textbook lecture with her.
The thing I love the most about Ms. Manfred though, is her ability to show her love for Edgar Allan Poe without shame. She decorates her room with his quotes, face and poems. She has even started dressing in all black to highlight his dark poetry. Her passion is something I respect and admire.
If I ever need to talk, I know I can tell Ms. Manfred what’s bothering me. She truly cares about her students and their problems. It’s her loving personality that drives students to like her. I know I can count on her to have my back in tough situations, especially when I’m dealing with makeup work. Teachers like her are the reason I come back to school every day.