Silver Stars Daniella Lugo Castro and Danae Montes work with dance teacher Cyndi Vaughn to cut music during class.
Cyndi Vaughn, dance
Ms. Cyndi Vaughn was fun to get to know. Even though she’s straightforward when it comes to dance and will tell you when you’re wrong, she’s supportive, sweet and knows how the mind of a teen works.
Ms. Vaughn has gotten me through tough situations this year and worked me to get where I am today. She is one of the most hard-working dance coaches I’ve had. I know a lot of stressful things come up in her day, but she knows how to keep calm and handle it right.
Ms. Vaughn has been working as the Silver Stars director since 2007. Every day from then on she has worn a smile of pride and joy on her face — proud to say she is the Silver Star coach. Vaughn enjoys every second she gets with her Silvie girls. When she watches the team dance, her face lights up the room and you can see how proud she is to see us doing what we love. Even though she takes a big hit every year when losing her seniors, she always comes back strong and excited to start a new year.
I will never forget how close of a family Ms. Vaughn has made this team.