Artistic ability shines in Grace Blessing’s masterpieces
Senior Grace Blessing works on a piece of art during class in November.
February 21, 2023
The career swap from veterinarian to character designer was a predictable one for senior Grace Blessing. Blessing has always been an artist at heart, and it didn’t take her long to realize it was something she wanted to do for the rest of her life.

“She drew and painted us pictures in early elementary school,” said her mother, Debra Blessing. “Her progress over the years has been amazing.”
Blessing has worked hard in recent years to achieve her dreams of being a character designer. As art club president and as a student, her hard work has not been in vain.
“l got accepted to SCAD [Savannah College of Art & Design]”, Blessing said. “They do this thing where once you’re a senior at SCAD they make you do an internship, so I’ll do an internship at Sony when the time comes.”
The pieces are falling into place for Blessing, but her work is not done. She is currently working on building her portfolio for college, and gives every hour possible to creating and finishing her art pieces.
“When I’m not working or at school, it’s just mainly art,” Blessing said. “It’s not stressful really, but it is overwhelming.”
Blessing said it’s important to push herself as an artist, however, she said she wouldn’t be able to if not for the support from her friends and family.
“When it comes to art my biggest supporters are my family and friends,” Blessing said. “Some pieces can take up to months but it’s all worth it when I show them my work.”
Blessing has to find balance in the art she makes for school and the art she works on for fun.
“‘Art block’ is probably the most frustrating thing for me”, said Blessing. “It [can] vary from days to months where I have zero motivation to draw, and [I] won’t draw unless I have to.”
However, this doesn’t stop Blessing’s love for art, and she never fails to get her motivation back. She reminds herself why she loves art when struggling in periods of burnout, and forces herself to create even when unmotivated.
“I love how drawing can distract me from current stresses,” said Blessing. “[It] allows me to do something I like without guilt because in some way I’m still being productive.”
Art has been the one constant in Bessing’s life and has allowed her to not only express herself, but showcase her talents. Her hardwork and dedication has opened many doors for her at a young age, and she will soon begin her journey to becoming a professional artist.
“I am grateful for the opportunities my skills and talent have given me and that I can pursue my dream school and career because of it,” Blessing said. “I’m just excited to know that once I get to start officially [as a character designer], I’ll be influencing people with my art.”