[Staff Editorial] Makeshift library needed during Flex Hour
A cart sits outside the library entrance each day. Librarian Jessica Castille stands nearby during Flex Hour to assist students who may have questions or need to return items or pay fines.
April 4, 2023
Gates surround the front of the school, blocking off all entrances to that part of the building. Construction sounds are heard throughout the building as the work takes place on the east and west side.
The library is empty and sealed off for students and staff alike. The only thing remaining of the library is a small cart for returning books, along with a small selection of books to check out near the old library entrance.
The loss of the library in the weeks prior to EOC and AP testing is detrimental to students. The timing couldn’t be worse. A makeshift area should have been created during Flex Hour for students who rely on the library for a quiet place to study or for the resources it provides.
Throughout the year, the library provides students with a quiet space to work on homework and study. It also has become a safe place for students to hang out during lunch. Sometimes students work and other times they join friends for a game of chess. The library is also critical for materials, like printers and office spaces.
Construction up to this point has been annoying, but it hasn’t caused huge changes in the day-to-day lives of students and staff. The new construction on the front entrance during the last nine weeks of this year, however, is already causing issues for students and teachers alike.
In addition, the renovations are being done solely to improve the facade of the building. For a simple exterior makeover, the district should have timed the renovations to take place over the summer and not during one of the most critical nine weeks for students.
The movement of the attendance office to the Performing Arts Center is an inconvenience for late-arriving students or visitors. But the loss of the library is much more than just an annoyance.
Prior to shutting down the library, a plan should have been developed to aid students who utilize the resources regularly. At least during Flex Hour, a room should be set aside with a printer, available books and a designated quiet area for those studying.
Creating an area for students displaced by the untimely construction in the library would help as testing season begins.