Financial lessons need to be mandated in math curriculum
Financial literacy should be a part of required math classes in high school.
April 25, 2023
Throughout a student’s school career a lot of material is learned, but how much is really pertained? H&R Block conducted a survey of 2,000 adults and found that 84% of people learned things in school that they never used after graduation
. In theory, if we have so much time for a fluff curriculum, we should certainly have time to learn the things necessary for adulthood. Despite this, basic life skills like how to do taxes, understanding loans, employment, finances, etc. are often overlooked when it comes to a student’s education.
Plenty of young Americans struggle adjusting to adulthood, it is generally assumed that they will self-teach themselves practical adulting skills. However, the same H&R Block Survey found that 44% would have preferred having a class on how to file taxes, and another 57% preferred to have some kind of money management class. Now, these classes are provided in some places, so how do we increase the number of schools that offer these classes and/or get students to participate in these classes?
An interesting, yet arguably effective way to incorporate adulthood teachings into more classrooms would be through a student’s core classes. The subject matter, though crucial, is likely not to be enough material to be a full, semester long class. Therefore, by combining their core classes with lessons based on adulthood preparation, you would at least ensure that every student is being taught the material without it interfering with the curriculum from their core class too much.
With that being said, integrating the lessons into the students’ core classes via short lessons would only come periodically. These lessons could be anything from PowerPoints to videos to step-by-step walkthroughs. This would give students a mental break while simultaneously teaching them important practical life skills. Likewise, the students are more likely to pay attention the shorter and less often the lessons come.
It’s not to say that our education systems haven’t accomplished a lot already. However, by discussing flaws within the education system and providing suggestions on a solution, we are playing our role in improving future education. After all, there is no harm in change, especially if it’s in interest of benefitting the future of America.