Derriq Young

History teacher Conner Gregerson cheers as the teachers take on the seniors in a volleyball game during Flex Hour in April.

Conner Gregerson, teacher and coach

This year will be Coach Conner Gregerson’s third year of teaching. When Coach first started here, he was a history teacher and aspired to be a football coach. Now he is the freshmen defensive coordinator, a US History and World Geography teacher.

History teacher Conner Gregerson cheers as the teachers take on the seniors in a volleyball game during Flex Hour in April. (Derriq Young)

Gregerson started at Trinity University to play football. After a year he transferred to Louisiana State University and got his bachelors degree for Art History.

This year I had Coach for first period World Geography. At first it was always quiet and awkward, but the more comfortable everyone got with each other we all realized that we had a super cool teacher. He would always get everyone to talk and mingle with each other. I remember making so many new and amazing friends in his class.

He would always make funny dad jokes or ask us random questions. Everyone loved him. He made learning super easy for everyone. He would go over things thousands of times just in case someone was confused. He taught me so many new and interesting things this year. We learned about everything from politics to debates to climate change. One of my favorite things that we learned in Coach’s class was all the different cultures around the world. My personal favorite was when we learned about South America and the Hispanic culture. I loved everything about it: the food, the clothes and the atmosphere. He taught me so much about it and made the work about it so simple.

Our work in that class was always simple or fun. When we would debate, he would ask the class a question and make everyone stand on either side of the class. One side agreed and the other side of the room disagreed. Then the two sides would debate about how they felt about the question. I think Coach Gregerson’s three years of teaching at Kingwood Park High School have made an amazing impact on not only the people but the school.

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