Yusra Hasan

Sergeant David Bell helps students install pipes to run water around the Rescue Barn.

Sergeant David Bell, AFJROTC

There is only one teacher who seems to walk around the school halls more than the students themselves, and that is Sergeant David Bell, one of the AFJROTC instructors at Kingwood Park. Seeming to always be on the search for a working coffee machine or out to complete some kind of task, he never fails to make a few detours in an attempt to make someone’s day by saying a “Hello!” and asking a simple “How are you doing?”

Since his arrival in the middle of the 2020-2021 school year, he has cultivated a fun atmosphere for not only those in the JROTC program but also anyone that has the pleasure of interacting with him. Commonly making his presence known with a loud greeting and a smile, teachers and students alike enjoy his lively energy and engaging conversations that make you feel listened to. But as humorous and goofy as he can be, Sergeant Bell also has the ability to be a serious and considerate person when you need the support. He was subjected to my senior year panic during the fall semester as I began to solidify my post-graduation plans and he was always there with logical advice and reassurance that, no matter what, I was going to do great things. And for those that are considering entering the military, he is there with a contact that will get you ahead of the game.

One of the best things about Sergeant Bell is that he tries to help students grow and develop themselves and their skills beyond what high school requires for graduation. Many times I have heard him encouraging JROTC cadets to increase their interaction with the community and peers through volunteering and joining other organizations. In class, the subject that he focuses on is communication and other methods for self-improvement. And during his lectures, somewhere between the many anecdotes and jokes, there is valuable advice that anyone can apply to their life. 

Sergeant David Bell is a special kind of educator who not only nurtures the minds of his students but also becomes one of their biggest cheerleaders at any available opportunity. There are only so many teachers who show such genuine pride in those they care for throughout the school year. 

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