I remember the first time I saw Mimi like it was yesterday. She was the last little puppy in the box. She jumped up to reach my hand and I picked her up and put her in the trunk of the car. I immediately looked at my parents and said this is the dog I want.

After convincing my parents, they then went straight to the bank to withdraw the money to purchase her. After we took her home, my mom and I went straight to the store to buy puppy supplies. We were unprepared at the time, because we didn’t plan on actually getting a dog that day. We came home to Mimi taking her first poop on the carpet. I quickly grabbed the cleaning supplies and cleaned her carpet.
While Mimi settled in and sniffed around the whole house, I set up the puppy play area.
I then texted every human I knew and told them the big news. I finally got a dog. Every Christmas and every birthday all I ever asked for was a dog. And on Dec. 18, 2018, that wish was granted. Mimi was a fashion icon since birth. My mom and I have had her in cute clothes since a pup. I even did a couple photo shoots with her. She was the perfect model. Mimi was a good puppy. She never was much of a troublemaker. Her schedule consisted of eating and sleeping. She did have some conflict with my mom after she chewed some plants and made a mess. But other than that Mimi was a lap dog, she was easy and loving and she was perfect.
When Mimi turned 1 year old, I threw her a puppy party where I invited some family and I decorated my kitchen in a pug theme. I had a speaker blasting birthday music as the family gathered. I even lit the candles on Mimi’s dog cake. We sang happy birthday and Mimi unboxed a couple new toys. I remember the loud squeaking coming from her toy. She was so happy. While Mimi was playing with her toy at the party, my sister and I sliced the human cake. Celebrating her birthday is a memory I will never forget.
Mimi loves playing tug-of-war – it’s the only thing she plays. She brought me the brand new snake toy she got just to play tug-of-war. I usually let her win and she will run off with it, that’s her way of showing me her victory. After that it’s nap time and Mimi heads to her favorite spot – my lap, where she then spends the rest of the night sleeping and snoring like the pug she is.