“Scavengers Reign” is an animated series (on Netflix and HBO) that will captivate you. The show takes viewers on an immersive journey through life and creatures of space and time.
The 12-episode series starts with two of the main characters (Sam and Ursula) trying to understand the planet they crash landed on.
Immediately, you are enamored with the beauty and color of this show. You start to understand that these people were all working together on the ship that crash landed. They all have the same goal: Get home.
In the show, each group of people are on their own separate journey while being on the same planet. There are multiple different environments on the planet and we start to see that they each have their own hardships. One moment you’re in this beautiful and peaceful area, the next you are experiencing creatures that want to harvest your body for the good of their own species.
The main antagonist of the show is called Hollow. Hollow is a living entity that grows stronger with each life form it consumes. It uses telepathy to control its enemy for its personal gain, whether that be killing or controlling them to do its bidding.
Now, the best thing about this show isn’t just the beauty but the way it uniquely shows the concept of life and death. You see people fall in love, regret the decisions they have made throughout their life and try to find a new purpose. You find yourself growing attached to these characters. Forming connections within these characters. You want to see these characters succeed, no matter the cost.
If you like science fiction, space and otherworldly creatures, “Scavengers Reign” is definitely for you.