Opinion: It’s a distraction – K-Park needs a more relaxed dress code
Photo of Emma Waller’s skirt, Lisette Harris’ ripped jeans, and Jacob Maple’s shorts.
March 10, 2017
Dress code is one of the most talked-about issues not only here at K-Park but in almost all Humble ISD schools. Whether it’s piercings, tattoos, holes in jeans, strapless dresses, countless arguments on length of bottoms or unnatural hair color, we’ve heard it all.
Most of the time when people at K-Park get dress coded they’re only given one explanation: “It’s a distraction,” With all due respect to the adults with authority, anything can be considered a distraction.
Students are already distracted by having phones out in hand and texting their friends. So why does it have to be a big deal when the boy sitting next to you is wearing earrings? There are students and teachers who have ADD and ADHD — the simple pencil can become a big distraction.
Texting and driving causes wrecks and can lead to people getting seriously hurt or killed, but having piercings, colored hair, tattoos or holes in jeans in class does not cause grades or learning capabilities to drop.
A student with blue hair doesn’t mean another student will not be able to focus in class. A boy with earrings doesn’t take other people out of their learning zone. A girl wearing a strapless dress doesn’t distract people with her shoulders. An arm tattoo, no matter what it is, is not necessarily gang-related or unpleasant. A hole in jeans won’t force another student to fail a class.
According to Humble ISD’s dress code policy, “Any form of dress that attracts undue attention, is unsafe, disrupts school, is considered gang related or detracts from the learning process is not acceptable. Administration and faculty have the right to consider any current fashion or fad and determine whether it is appropriate for school.”
That includes the following:
-Female students may wear earrings only on the ears. Male students may not wear earrings. Jewelry may not be worn in other pierced areas of the body.
-Hairstyles must be neat, clean and well groomed. Hair dyed an unnatural color, such as green or orange, is not permitted.
-Visible tattoos are not permitted.
-Fashions with slits above the mid-thigh are not acceptable.
Some people might say all of these “distractions” also make people look unprofessional. So, according to that reasoning, a a doctor, a lawyer or even a teacher with pink highlights would be ranked lower than most because of hair color.
Definition of Distraction: 1. A thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else. 2. Extreme agitation of the mind or emotions.
Definition of Profession: A paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification.
Nowhere in there does it say a requirement based upon looks.
Your body and looks do not define your capability and profession in this world. Your body is not your resume.
In addition, policy-makers need to remember that students in Humble ISD are students. Kids, children, teens. We’re supposed to be experimenting with our looks and expressing ourselves, not just condemned to do so for a few months in summer and be told to look “professional,” “mature,” or “normal” when school starts again.
If students could express themselves and show off the appearance they love, many might dread school a little less.
This isn’t meant to give an excuse to some of the vulgar, obscene or scandalous outfits, but it is meant to open up and reread what it means to express yourself.
Definition of Express Yourself: Reveal or portray one’s feelings or views through speech, writing, some form of art or behavior. For example, teenagers often express themselves through their attire and haircuts.
Let the students express themselves.
Let them be unique. Don’t limit them.
It will pay off in the classroom