Bathroom restrictions should be lifted

Crosslin Silcott, Features Editor

Many high school students use the excuse of “going to the restroom” to meet up with their significant other in the halls, walk laps around the school, or to simply get out of class, which makes it understandable as to why teachers are often skeptical about letting students use the restroom during class. But what happens to the students who genuinely have to use the restroom? “You had time before class to take care of that,” students are often told. But is five minutes really enough time for one to use the restroom and get to class on time?

One cannot help it when they feel the need to use the restroom. It’s a necessary bodily function, just like eating, breathing, or sleeping. Yet, some teachers make going to the restroom feel like a privilege, when it is a right. They don’t want the student to miss the lesson, which while considerate, is not a choice for them to make. If a student feels that they need to use the restroom, and is aware of the consequences of missing instruction, shouldn’t he or she be able to make that choice for themselves? 

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to permit workers to leave their work area to use the restroom as needed. If adults are allowed to use the restroom as needed, why aren’t children? Holding in your bladder not only causes discomfort, but it can also lead to a urinary tract infection, bladder stretching, damage to pelvic floor muscles, and even kidney stones according to Medical News Today.

While many students take advantage of bathroom passes, teachers should not assume that this is always the case. Teachers have no way of knowing what students might need to go to the bathroom for and frankly, it is not appropriate of them to ask. Every human should be entitled to use the restroom when needed, without explanation.