[Staff Editorial] Bathrooms no place for group gatherings
The bathrooms are being used too often for group gatherings, and the staff would like to see changes made.
October 8, 2021
School bathrooms have never been the pinnacle of peace, but it has gotten to the point where using the school bathroom is something people dread. Students want to be able to pee without the scent of vapes, the gossip and crowds of people. A trip to the school bathrooms can be extremely uncomfortable for many reasons, but the main reason is the lack of privacy.
The stall doors are abnormally short, which means while students are standing inside a stall they can see out and others can see in. Sadly, the mirrors are across from the stalls so even when someone is washing their hands they can accidentally make eye contact with those in the stalls, but eliminating the bathroom socializers would greatly reduce the issue.
It would be one thing if students weren’t in the bathrooms often, but people congregate in there so much that it feels as if every time someone is doing their business there is also someone standing on the other side of the stall as if their mission in life is to ruin bathroom experiences.
Another issue that makes the bathrooms uncomfortable is the amount of people that continue to spend time in them. There are vapers, lunch eaters and gossipers. With the entire school open for lunch, it doesn’t make sense to willingly eat in the same place that people pee. There are tables all over the school just waiting to be used to house lunch and gossip sessions whenever needed.
While vape detectors were installed over the summer, it can be difficult to catch the culprits when so many people are in the bathrooms at once and vapes aren’t usually visible. For now, the best way to make the bathrooms a safe space for all is to simply stay out of them unless using them.