Hewitt steers clear of technology outside of class
Geometry teacher Steven Hewitt instructs his fifth period class. He has not had a cell phone since 2019.
March 24, 2022
When Tropical Storm Imelda hit, it took geometry teacher Steven Hewitt’s phone with it.
“I walked through flood waters up to my knees and was carried several yards to a drainage ditch. I managed to find the curb with my right foot to regain my position. The phone took a dip in the process,” said Hewitt.
After that he made the decision to live his life without one. For three years, he has not missed it.
“My goal has always been to stay as far away from it as possible, but more recently than in the past. I just decided now would be a good time and it works pretty well,” said Hewitt.
On top of that, Hewitt calls social media a waste of time.
“I think that you can get a smartphone when you’re allowed to vote, when you’re allowed to drive, and when you’re allowed to do other adult things,” Hewitt said. “Because the internet is pretty much an adult space.”
But Hewitt doesn’t just choose not to have a phone. He has no WIFI at home, which means he does all of his work at school. In addition, Hewitt rides his bike to work. Of course, he owns a car. But only having to make a short 10 minute leisurely ride, it made more sense to bike than to drive.
“Why not? I live close enough. I could use the exercise,” said Hewitt.
Hewitt helps kids learn everyday. He said math is his weakest subject, and that is why he enjoys the challenge of teaching it. He applies being a math teacher into everyday life.
“That’s kind of my motto,” said Hewitt. “It’s like we all do our own thing and we should arrive at the same conclusion. If not, we have to figure out why we didn’t.”
While most people these days do not draw the same conclusion as Hewitt on technology, he is going to continue to steer clear of it whenever he can.
“Technology is not necessary for a lot of different things. And if it’s not necessary, why bother?” he said.
Buddy • Mar 28, 2022 at 9:58 am
This was well-written and interesting. Sometimes I’d like to do the same as Mr. Hewitt.