Maya Ortiz

History teacher Eric Coovert talks in May of 2022 about his time at Texas A&M while showing off his boots he wore his senior year as a part of the Corps of Cadets. He was a drummer in the Aggie band.

Eric Coovert, teacher and coach

It’s not often that during a history presentation there will be a slide dedicated to pictures of a teacher out of nowhere. Even more shocking that he would just sit at his desk and laugh for five minutes then run over to the room next door to proudly show that teacher. However, that is coach Eric Coovert for you. 

When sitting in his class you are never able to forget that he is a coach. He watches freshman football film while we work on assignments and always tells stories about how proud or annoyed he is of them. Then comes wrestling season, he offers extra credit if they do well. He had to walk away during one of his athletes winning the State Championships because he was “too emotional.” 

Coovert’s teaching can best be described as productive rambling. With his coffee mug in hand, he can talk for an entire class period. While most of the conversation is about his dog or capitalism, he manages to bring fun to history topics with random tidbits or dry jokes you can’t help but laugh at. Not paying attention isn’t an option as seeing his facial expression is half the fun. Everyday you can walk away from his class having learned something. 

He’s the type of teacher that you have to sit in shock after he yells at someone since it rarely happens. Instead, he tries to greet everyone as they walk in the door and the second the bell rings comes in and hollers “Good Morning.” 

I remember coming home after the first day of school and just saying to my mom, “My history teacher is interesting.” Throughout the year I’ve realized there is no better way to characterize that man. 

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