The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


Meet the cast & crew
Asa O’Farrell (Prince Eric)
Asa OFarrell plays Prince Eric in The Little Mermaid.
Asa O’Farrell plays Prince Eric in “The Little Mermaid.” (Emerson Harris)

Grade: Senior

Q: What has been the most difficult part of the rehearsal process so far?

A: “Singing high notes. I am a Bass 2, and Prince Eric was made for a tenor singer which is a lot higher than I am.”

Q: Who is your favorite character?

A: “I’m gonna say Scuttle. He has a lot of funny lines, a funny song, and is very bad at English.”

Q: Do you have any advice for people who might be interested in the theater world?

A: “I’d recommend you get a friend to join with you. It makes it a lot of fun. Of course you’ll make friends when you’re there, but I think it’s more fun when you have someone you’ve known for a while doing it with you.”

Q: What are you most looking forward to in "The Little Mermaid?"

A: “My songs and solos.”

Q: Who do you look up to in theater?

A: “Probably seniors from last year, like Cameron Williams. He’s a very good actor, but he wasn’t in the musical with me last year. We did a competition play together and he was very inspiring and good at what he did.”

Itati Lainez (Ursula)
Senior Itati Lainez stars as Ursula in The Little Mermaid.
Senior Itati Lainez stars as Ursula in “The Little Mermaid.” (Emerson Harris)

Grade: Senior

Q: What are you most excited about?

A: “I’m a better singer than I am actor for sure, but I’m really looking forward to ‘Poor Unfortunate Souls’ because I get to be a little brat onstage.”

Q: What has been most difficult so far?

A: “Probably the lines. I’ve never had to memorize lines. I’ve had to think of it as a song, just without notes. That is hard.” 

Q: Who is your favorite character in the show?

A: “Ursula. But that might be biased.”

Q: Who do you look up to in theater?

A: “Emerson Harris and Asa O'Farrell. I’ve seen them in 'Seussical,' 'The Triangle Factory Fire Project,' and 'Love/Sick.' And Uzi, he’s so good. I love the way he acts, he’s so sassy with it.”

Q: Do you have any advice for people who might be interested in the theater world?

A: “Just do it, man. No one in theater is going to judge you for trying out because they were all in your position once. #Noregrets.”

Maebeth Potter (Light board operator)
Maebeth Potter is the light board operator for The Little Mermaid.
Maebeth Potter is the light board operator for “The Little Mermaid.” (Emerson Harris)

Grade: Sophomore

Q: What are you most excited about?

A: “I’m most looking forward to getting closer to some of the cast members I haven’t met before and meeting new people.”

Q: Who is your favorite character?

A: “Flounder. He’s the best because he’s adorable and the most loving and funny character.”

Q: What has been the most difficult part of the rehearsal process so far?

A: “The rehearsal process has not been too difficult so far but I think the hardest part is going to be learning how to do something new and adapting to the light board.”

Q: Who do you look up to in theater?

A: “I look up to all of my junior and senior friends mostly because I know they’ll always be someone I can go to if I have a question or need help.”

Q:Do you have any advice for people who might be interested in the theater world?

A: “My advice would be to always keep doing what you love no matter what and find the things that you enjoy.”

Chris Echols (Ensemble)
Senior Chris Echols is part of the ensemble in The Little Mermaid.
Senior Chris Echols is part of the ensemble in “The Little Mermaid.” (Emerson Harris)

Grade: Senior

Q: What are you most excited about?

A: “The music. The dancing. Everything that makes a musical a musical.”

Q: Who is your favorite character in the show?

A: “Gotta be Scuttle. I love Grace Potter, she’s a very hilarious person and I know she’s gonna kill the role.”

Q: What has been the most difficult part of the rehearsal process so far?

A: “Learning the music and the right notes.”

Q: Who do you look up to in theater?

A: “Mark Johanson. He got me started in theater.”

Q:Do you have any advice for people who might be interested in the theater world?

A: “Do it, it’s fun. You’re gonna love it. You’ll meet amazing people.”

Harper Toth (Stage manager)
Harper Toth is the stage manager of The Little Mermaid.
Harper Toth is the stage manager of “The Little Mermaid.” (Emerson Harris)

Grade: Junior

Q: What has been the most difficult part of the rehearsal process so far?

A: “There are a lot of people in the show, and there are a lot of call times, rehearsals, and different times to keep track of.”

Q: What are you most excited about?

A: “I think it’ll be really colorful to see all the kids’ reactions.”

Q: Who do you look up to in theater?

A: “Abby Hunt. She helped me learn a lot and was kind of a leader for me to follow.”

Q: Who is your favorite character in the show?

A: “I like Ariel.”

Q: Do you have any advice for people who might be interested in the theater world?

A: “Just try it out. There are a lot of fields you can go into, different roles. You can start small, you can learn different things before committing to a style. But there are a lot of things you can learn and different parts you can go into.”

Daileyanne Brom (Allana)
Daileyanne Brom is Allana in The Little Mermaid.
Daileyanne Brom is Allana in “The Little Mermaid.” (Emerson Harris)

Grade: Freshman

Q: What are you most excited about?

A: “I’ve had to learn a lot of new things, so I’m interested to see how they come together. Not to mention I love the costumes.”

Q: Who is your favorite character?

A: “Triton. I love how hard he tries to be his best for his daughters.”

Q: What has been the most difficult part of the rehearsal process so far?

A: "The hardest part of this rehearsal process so far is memorizing the songs and dances. Oh, and hitting a high C."

Q: Who do you look up to in theater?

A: "I look up to all of my fellow cast members who were brave enough to join and participate in this project. It would be hard to pick just one, considering that everyone is extremely talented and kind. My family and I have been attending high school performances for years, and I find myself in awe of them every time."

Q: Do you have any advice for people who might be interested in the theater world?

A: "The advice I would give is this: If you have an interest in theater, try it out, even if you if you think you don’t have the skillset. Talent comes with the work involved."


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