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The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


Elena Amos (10)

How many years have you been swimming?

“Like six or seven years.”

Is this your first time going to state 

“I went last year.”

How did you do at region 

“I did pretty well. I would say. I got first in the 50 and the 100 free. Those are my individual events.”

Can you describe what your experience 

“I felt like everyone in the team was actually close and it was like such a fun experience. We all were cheering everybody on and it was very fun.”

What were your expectations going into Region? 

“I was hoping to hopefully break a school record which I did. And that was all I was going for really.”

What was your initial reaction when you found out that you were going to State? 

“I was so excited for our State team. I was just very excited to go with them.”

And how are you prepping for State? 

“Going to bed early, trying to plan stuff with the team to have fun things to do before going to State. And talking to coaches about what we’re going to do all weekend.”

What are your expectations going to State

“I am really, really wanting to get top three at state in one of my individual events, and I’m really, really hoping our relays make it back to finals.”

What is your favorite memory from this past season?

“Honestly, I think my favorite memory is Region. I feel like the energy was just so good there. It was very fun with the whole team.”

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