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The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


Lucy Foltz (11)

So how many years have you been swimming?

“I’ve been swimming since I was 4 years old. “

Is this your first time going to State?

“I went to State last year as an alternate.”

How did you do at State last year?

“I was an alternate, so I didn’t swim, but still got the experience. “

How did you do at region and what did you compete in?

“I did pretty well at region. I got sixth and seventh in my events and I swam the 2IM and hundred back.”

Can you describe your experience at region with your team?

“So it was, it was a great experience. We were really happy when we won. Everyone just started cheering. I feel like during each race we all cheered each other on and like, even when we had, like, not so good swims, we were really supportive of each other. It was really fun.”

So what were your expectations going into region? 

“Going into region, I was expected to do pretty well. Like I feel like I did what was expected of me. And like, I feel like we kind of went into it pretty confident and we thought we were going to be like, first or second, So we’re really happy that we pulled out a win.”

So how did you feel whenever y’all found out you were going to State? 

“We were really excited.”

So how are you all prepping for State? 

“So we do like yesterday we kind of didn’t like we just kind of swam out, you know, recover from the meet. Today and tomorrow, we’re kind of like going back at it a little harder. And then Friday we’re just going to, like, start cutting it back and swimming easy to rest up for state. “

So what are your expectations for going into state? 

“I’m hoping that we can get a banner which is the top five teams at state, and we changed some of our relays around so they’re like, as fast as they can be because relays get the most points.”

How do you think this is going to affect you going forward in high school in swimming? 

“I think it’s just a great experience because you get to experience that like higher level, like that higher level and just being there around like other people who care so much about swimming. I feel like it just like gets you in a better mindset and it’s really encouraging.”

What’s been your favorite part of the season so far? 

“Probably winning region to be honest. And my favorite part is probably going to end up being state, but that hasn’t happened yet.”

What has been the hardest part? 

“Waking up at 6 a.m. every morning. And then if you do club, you have to do double practices. That’s a lot of work, but it’s worth it. “

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