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The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


Marisa Stone (10)

How many years have you been swimming?

“I started when I was six.”

Is this your first time going to state?

“Yes, it is. I was on the state team last year but I didn’t go. I had a Silver Star competition.” 

How did you do at Region?

“I think I did pretty well.”

What did you compete in?

“I swam the 50 free, the 100 free, and the 200 medley relay and the 200 free relay.”

Can you describe your experience at Region?

“It was a really great experience. I was really nervous. Just because I had like, not the best times going in because I was sick at the meet before. So that kind of worried me a little bit. But it was really fun being with my team and connecting. It was a really great experience.”

 What were your expectations at prelims?

“At prelims, I was just trying to make it into finals. I wasn’t trying to really go my best times in prelims, I was just trying to do well enough to make it in the finals.”

How about in the Region finals?

“I was just trying to be the best that I could  and to swim faster than as many people as possible.”

What was your initial reaction when you found out you were going to State?

“My friend told me and I was really excited because I’ve been hoping to go to State for a while and I was sad. I couldn’t go last year because I was an alternate. And then when I found out that I was gonna get to swim this year, I was super excited. I’m  really looking forward to it.”

What are you doing to prep for state?

“I think I’m just trying to get a lot more rest and stay focused, not eat that much junk food, try to be healthy.”

What are your expectations for State?

“I am really optimistic. I think we’re gonna do really well. I think that we all have the ability to do really well if we just push through.”

What is your favorite memory from this past season?

“I think my favorite memory was watching my friend Marisa Chinen swim her 500s. She swims it at every meet. I just like to cheer her on. It’s such a long race and I could never do that.  She always tells me it’s not that bad. I’m like, I could never do that. And I just love watching her and cheering her on because she’s so good. And seeing her after her races and be like, ‘You did so good.’ And she’s smiling. It’s awesome.”

What has been the hardest part of preparing to go to State?

“I think the hardest part for me is just trying to not be nervous and not let it consume me because I have other stuff I have to do and I don’t want to worry about it too much. But I just get really nervous.”

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