Matti McDaniel, senior

December 14, 2022

Derriq Young

Matti McDaniel

Position: Shooting guard

What is your number?

“12. I’ve been No. 12 since fifth grade. My number has never changed. It’s important to me because I didn’t get to pick it when I was younger. My coach just gave it to me, but I just started playing really good, so I was like I’ll just keep this number forever.”

What do you do to prepare on game day?

“Before a game I’ll do homework, listen to music and I usually eat a lot of snacks.”

What is your go-to pregame meal or snack? 

“My go-to meal before a game is Chipotle. I love Chipotle because I get something different every single time. I really just depends on what I’m in the mood for.”

What music do you like to listen to on game day?

“During pre-game, I usually just listen to anything Drake and that hypes me up.” 

What superstitions do you have?

“I always put on my left ankle brace and my left knee pads before my right one because I had surgery on my left ankle so I just do it for protection.”

Who is your favorite professional  player?

“My favorite WNBA player is Sue Bird because she’s not the fastest out there but her court vision is great and she can shoot it really well. Then my favorite NBA player of all time is probably Steph (Curry). Ever since I was little, I wanted to shoot like him.”

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