Connor Langdon appreciates band memories in senior year

Taylor Nethery

Senior Connor Langdon cheers as his bandmates surprise him by singing him “Happy Birthday” at the end of their performance after the Baytown Sterling game on Sept. 16.

Abigail Nieto, Special Contributor

Senior Connor Langdon has been playing trumpet in the school band for the last four years. He wanted to make sure his final year was memorable. 

“I really enjoy the people as well as the music we’re able to make,” Langdon said.

Compared to the previous years, he believes this was a productive and overall fun season.

The football games are Langdon’s favorite events to attend. The games are normally in the afternoon so he is able to get more sleep on those days. He particularly enjoys the dancing and stand tunes being played. Kids laughing and dancing in the stands while bringing so much energy and fun, Langdon couldn’t feel more at home.

  With the change of directors he wasn’t sure how different the experience would be, but as the months progressed he was able to get more comfortable with the new director. Langdon enjoys the newer music selections and the interactions between the instrument sections. 

 From getting up at 6 to go to a competition to staying out until 3 in the morning coming home from one, he wouldn’t change a thing. In their last competition not long ago they placed the highest they ever have and Landon was proud of himself, as well as what others put on the field. He believed the band did amazing and doesn’t regret that being his last and final show at the school.

He will miss it a lot and is very sad never getting to do this again, but he’s glad he got to be a part of afamily. 

Throughout the years, he was able to enjoy watching himself as well as others grow as musicians , and as people . Starting as a freshman who didn’t know the memories that were going to be made and ending as a senior who gained much more than just what he read from books, Coplin is leaving the school with a smile on his face.

“I wouldn’t take back anything from my years in band,” Langdon said,” it became a big part of my life and I’m sad to let it go.”