Derriq Young

Logen Black

Logen Black, junior

Junior Logen Black will be returning to the state competition to swim for the third time. He has been to the state championships every year.

“It’s a goal for me to make it every year,” Black said. “It’s a good time and I want to get my fastest times there, so I work hard all year for that.”

Stakes were high at regionals this year. This year was important to Black because it’s the seniors’ last season and he wanted to be able to compete alongside them one more time.

Black said he focused on eating better and getting good sleep so he could be ready for Regionals. Black got personal bests on all his events he competed in at the Region Meet. The 400 freestyle relay qualified for state. He also got fifth in the 200 free and seventh in the 100 breast.

“It was just fun to be there,” Black said. “I like being in the group effort. I like being here, so it’s been great.”

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