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Senior Logan Gonzales competes on senior night. He will compete in the State Championships this weekend.
Senior Logan Gonzales competes on senior night. He will compete in the State Championships this weekend.
James Pham

Swimmers, divers finish final preparation for Boys State Championships

Logen Black (12)
Logen Black (12)

How long have you been swimming?


How did you do at Region?

“I did good. I went all personal bests. And our relays did really well. So I was happy with it.”

What did you compete in?

“The 200 free, 100 free, 200 free relay and 400 free relay.”

Can you describe your experience at Region?

“It was a good meet. We didn’t think we were gonna win. So being able to win region for the first time in three years was really cool. It was a lot of fun being with everyone for my last region ever.”

What were your expectations for Region prelims?

“I didn’t have a lot of expectations going into prelims because I knew that making it to finals was the goal. So I just wanted to do good my first day so that I could perform my best the next.”

How about at Region finals?

“To win, to do good in all my relays, to place the best that I could so we got the most points.”

What was your initial reaction when you found out you were going to State?

“I was excited. It’s a good experience to have and so a lot of the people that are going to State with me, I’m excited to have the trip with them.”

Are you doing anything to prep for state?

“I’ve actually been prepping for like the past eight weeks. It’s so bad. I eat certain things. I drink only water and electrolytes. I make sure I have my suits. I have my stuff that I use, all a mindset.”

This being your last year, what does going to state mean to you?

“It’s a good way to end this chapter of my life. I’m excited to do this last meet with all the people that I love swimming with in the morning. I’ve been working with them all year. And so to be here, I’m really excited to end it. With everyone that I like and love to swim with and be ready to move on to the next chapter of my swimming career.”

What is your favorite memory from this past season?

“Definitely region I had a really good meet. The 400 free relay. It was so loud. It was like State. It was so loud. And it was just so much adrenaline rushing that it was exciting.”

What has been the hardest part leading up to State?

“Knowing that it is gonna end, like the season’s gonna end and that’s really sad; but I still get to see all these people. It’s not like I’m just done talking to them. I’m still here for the rest of this year and my brother swims next year so it’s exciting to still have a connection to this while also getting to move on.”

John Carr (12)
John Carr (12)

How many years have you been swimming?

“I have been swimming for all of high school and bit when I was younger. So about 13 years.”

Is your first time going to State? 

“No, I went to State last year.”

How did you do at region this year? 

“I did really well. A lot better than I thought I would do. I ended up going from third last year to first this year.”

What did you compete it?

“I competed in men’s one meter diving.”

Can you describe your experience there?

“My experience at Region was actually honestly kind of scary. I went in seeded second like I did last year, and I was worried that I was going to end up doing the same mistake as I did last year. But I ended up keeping my composure and just pushing through, knowing what I could do.”

What were your expectations for Region?

“My expectations were mostly to compete, just like focus on one dive after another, get what I can do and just move on.”

What was your initial reaction when you found out you’re going to State? 

“I was really excited. It’s my last time competing at State for the school, and I’m ready for one more ride there.”

What are your expectations for State?

“Honestly, I don’t really have high expectations. I’m honestly just there to compete. Do what I can do, hopefully make State finals, do better than I did last year.”

This being your final year, what does it mean to you to be going to state?

“Means a lot. It’s a really good feeling. And I’m just a little scared, but mostly excited to do it one more time.”

What has been a favorite memory of the season?

“Having more divers on the team than usual and actually having somebody else that’s a diver to go to State with me and so I can talk to them and just give them the rundown of everything and how it’s going to go.”

What is one of the hardest parts of the season?

“Definitely having to coach two other divers that had no experience at all and then being able to get them all to Region and one of them to State.”

How does it feel to be on a swim team that’s continuing to make history in the strong boys program? 

“It feels really good. Just knowing that I’m a part of a team that is going somewhere everybody knows and just being able to be like, ‘Hey, I was on that team too.’”

Logan Gonzales (12)
Logan Gonzales (12)

How many years have you been swimming? 

“I’ve been swimming since I was 5. Summer league all the way up to high school.”

Is this your first time going to State? 

“No, I went last year.”

How did you do at Region this year?

“I think I did pretty good individually, but the team, we did great. I mean, we haven’t won Region boys and girls since 2015, so I’m very proud.”

What did you compete in this year?

“I competed in the 100 free, the 100 free relay, and the 400 free relay.”

How did you place?

“We placed first in the 400 free relay plus first in the 200 free relay, and I placed third and did get my call up for 100 free.”

Can you just describe your experience at Region? 

“It was pretty hype. It was just crazy. Like everyone was just going all out.”

What were your expectations for Region?

“I mean, I think I met my expectations of going to State and getting a lot more boys than last year.”

What was your initial reaction when you found out you’re going to State?

“I mean I was pretty excited. I mean because I get to go to UT-Austin pool and I love that pool.”

How are you preparing for State? 

“I’m tapering, so, like, I’m eating healthier, going light on sports because I’m a jock, so I can’t play as much sports.”

What are your expectations for State?

“I’d say get the 200 free relay to the A-Final.”

This being your final year, what does going to State mean? 

“I think it means, like, making coach proud and just, like, getting our name out there, I guess.” 

What has been your favorite memory of the season?

“I’d definitely say junior year State. I mean, like nothing could compare to that moment.”

What is something you’re going to miss about this season? 

“Definitely like the memories and just like consistently coming in at like 5:45 in the morning, saying good morning to all the guys and stuff like that.”

Sean Kloesel (12)
Sean Kloesel (12)

How long have you been swimming?

“For high school two year. I started swimming when I was like 4 then I stopped when I was in seventh grade all the way to my junior year.”

Is this your first time going to State?

“It is not, this is my second year.”

How did you do at Region?

“I placed second in my 50 free and then was the second leg on the 200 free relay we won.”

Can you describe your experience at Region?

“It was fun. I mean, it was regions. So a little bit more expectations were on me but I mean, I had a good time. We all swam well, and we all came out with the victory that we wanted to have.”

What were your expectations for Region prelims?

“My expectations were just to move on to A final and all my events and just try to stay rested at night so I can be ready for the next day.”

What were your expectations for Region finals?

“Make it to State.”

What was your initial reaction when you find out you’re going to State?

“I was hype. Whenever I got my 50 free time, I punched the air.”

This being your last year, what does going to State mean to you?

“I want to do really well as an individual and also as a team, and I really just want to enjoy my time with the team because I don’t have much time left.”

What is your favorite memory from this past season?

“Honestly, probably the Christmas party. I just I personally felt like we all as a team like grew so much closer to each other.”

What has been the hardest part leading up to State?

“Probably practices. Especially getting up at five o’clock every morning to go to practice for about an hour; and then also over breaks having to practice whenever you’re just tired and want to be able to sleep in, but you can’t be you have to go work hard.”

Is there anything else you would like to add?

“No, I just I appreciate all that the coaches do for us and how they help us perfect our strokes or turns or starts – how they help like try to make us better.”

Ian Maxwell (12)
Ian Maxwell (12)

How long have you been swimming?

“Since I was 7.”

Is this your first time going to State?


Can you describe your experience at Region?

“Prelims was anxiety inducing, because of how many teams there were and how many people were there. And then finals started off really depressing. And then it got better as the time passed.”

What were your expectations for Region prelims?

“All I knew was that I was seeded to do really, really well. So I just kind of went for it in the individuals and then died.”

What are your expectations for State?

“Region but faster.”

This being your last year, what does going to State mean to you?

“End it on a high note.”

What has been the hardest part leading up to state?

“Recovery from Region, I was dead.”

Trenton Touchet (12)
Trenton Touchet (12)

How many years have you been swimming? 

“For KPark, all four years. And in total, just through life – 2014 to now. 

Is this your first time going to state? 


How did you do at Region and what did you compete in?

“So at Region I was in the 200 free relay. The first day I got them fourth place and we won Region finals and everything. So we won the title. So I’m going as an alternate.”

Can you describe your overall experience at Region?

“It’s a very emphatic type of vibe and we’re always screaming and yelling at each other, so it’s just very loud, but it’s very positive and very supportive.”

What were your expectations going into Region?

“My expectations were that I was going to do what I needed to do to get our relay to finals and I was going to help support my team the entire way.”

What was your initial reaction when you found out you were going to state?

“When I found out I was going to State, I was with my buddy Logan Gonzales, and we just like freaked out and I ran around and fell down. But it’s okay, because it’s very exciting news to be able to go with them.”

This being your final year swimming, what does going to State mean for you as a senior? It’s a big leap in like how much work and effort I put into the program and how I’ve done everything I can. I love the program and I love the sport, and I’m happy to be able to go and be there for my team.”

What’s been your favorite memory from the season so far? 

“Favorite memory from the season was definitely finding out that I made State.”

What’s been the hardest part so far? 

“The hardest part of just my swim career was going through my surgery and everything, and having fully recovered from that.”

What was your surgery for? 

“It was open heart surgery, and I needed a valve replacement. And I didn’t get back into the pool until October. There was just a full year of trying to gain my endurance back during my sophomore year.”

Colton Anderson (11)
Colton Anderson (11)

How many years have you been diving?


How did you do at Region?

“Region I did really good actually I got second. There was a guy that was supposed to be ahead of me, but he had a bad meet.”

Can you describe your experience at Region?

“Scary, I was really nervous. I didn’t think a lot, I just did on my dives. They were really good.”

What were your expectations for Region?

“To just not mess up, to not fail any dives.”

What was your initial reaction when you found out you’re going to State?

“I was kind of surprised because I only thought I was gonna make Region and then stop there this year, but I was like, ‘Dang!’ Pretty happy.”

What are your expectations for State?

“To just enjoy it this year. I told myself I wasn’t gonna try to place because those boys are really good. So next year, I’m definitely going to try to place high. This year, I just want to experience it.”

What is your favorite memory from this past season?

“Probably just like when I learned a new dive and I kind of just throw it. Everyone’s reaction is pretty good.” 

What has been the hardest part leading up to State?

“The mental block you get in diving, which I didn’t know that was a thing and then I got one right before districts. It was bad. It’s where you just can’t throw anything.Your dives are just everywhere.”

Is there anything else you would like to add?

“I’m excited to go to UT to dive off their boards.”

Hogan Anderson (11)
Hogan Anderson (11)

How long have you been swimming?

“Too many, like 13 years.”

Is this your first time going to State?

“No, it is not. I went last year, I went last year because I couldn’t go freshman year. I was a transfer.”

How did you do at Region?

“I didn’t do very good at R3gion. So at region prelims, I dropped in all my events, but I made consolation finals, which is still good. And so then at consolation finals, I got first in both of my events and I wasn’t supposed to, but I did. I had to go extra fast. And then that got us more points for our team. So that’s good.”

What did you compete in?

“Region prelims was the 200 freestyle and 100 butterfly. And then I did the 200 freestyle relay. And the 400 freestyle relay.”

Can you describe your experience at Region?

“My Region experience was life changing. Whenever I look back to that day, I just think of all the memories I made, about the people that I got to meet and all the encounters I had with the other teams. I think it was just a meet full of joy and cheerfulness. And I feel really content about it at the end of the day.”

What were your expectations for Region?

“I was really tired because like, ain’t nobody want to get up at 5 in the morning over break but look at us like we’re dedicated. So I was tired. I wasn’t feeling like I was gonna do very good. But like lowkey whenever I’m in that mindset where I feel like I won’t do good is where I end up pushing myself to do good anyways, and that’s what I did.

“Day two, I just felt like I was ready to be done. But I knew I was gonna go fast. I knew something great was gonna happen. And it did.”

What was your initial reaction when you find out you’re going to state?

“I was so excited. Like I was jumping off the floor. And you know, like State is such a fun meet. It was so much fun last year, it was great. And so whenever I found out I was going back again. I was just bursting with joy.”

Are you doing anything to prep for State?

“It really matters on how you take care of your body at the end of the day. I get to eat healthy and drink lots of water, you know get your electrolytes in and so that’s what I’ve been doing for the past week.”

What are your expectations for State?

“It’s gonna be awesome. Just being there with all my teammates, I know that we’re gonna perform well and I know we’re gonna do good. I think the team is made up of the majority of seniors and they know that this is like their last hurrah. So we’re gonna give it everything we got.”

What is your favorite memory from this past season?

“I would say that it was probably our team dinner at Olive Garden like our team Region dinner. Just because like who doesn’t not love Olive Garden breadsticks and sharing those with your teammates and friends. It’s just something that really, really binds somebody at the soul you know?”

What has been the hardest part leading up to state?

“Okay, the hardest part is definitely the early morning and after school practices. We get up at five every single day of our existence. Just I’d say the hardest part is waking up for practices and practices after school because like, you think swimmers have it easy. Like we wake up and swim a couple laps. No think like 250 laps. It’s incomprehensible, The grind just does not stop.”

Gabe Fabrizio (11)
Gabe Fabrizio (11)

How long have you been swimming?

“I started in sixth grade and I’ve been swimming since then. Club and High school.”

Is this your first time going to State?

“This is my third time.”

How did you do at Region?

“Not as good as I wanted to do, last year I was faster.”

What did you compete in?

“100 fly and 200 IM and then the 400 free. And the 200 medley relay which was canceled.”

Can you describe your experience at Region?

“It was a good team experience. I think the most exciting thing was the 400 free because we didn’t expect to go so fast. So that was fun. And 200 free also, which is exciting because they got close to the record.”

What were your expectations for Region prelims?

“Day one,  I wasn’t really feeling too good actually. I was feeling slow that day, but I mean I knew I was gonna go to State in the 200 IM.

What were your expectations for Region finals?

“I’d say spirits are definitely higher. Because Region was halfway done. Also we’re up in points I think. It was better than day one.” 

What are your expectations for State?

“State, I’m probably gonna get dead last. But it’ll be fun. The 400 free relay will definitely be fun. Hopefully we can go 48-47 – somewhere in that range.”

What is your favorite memory from this past season?

“Definitely listening to some of coach McLain’s speeches. He’s just brutally honest. But some of the speeches are good. I think they’re very inspiring.”

What has been the hardest part leading up to State?

“The hardest part has probably been staying away from junk food, like ice cream. Really hard for me. I failed like a bunch of times.”

Korbin Johnson (11)
Korbin Johnson (11)

How long have you been swimming?

“Competitively in high school for three, I’ve been swimming since I was 8.”

Is this your first time going to State?

“This is my second time.”

How did you do at Region?

“I did pretty well at Region. I had a really bad season, like all year and so I finally broke my PRs at Region.”

What did you compete in?

“I competed in the medley relay, the 200 IM, 100 backstroke, and in prelims, I was on the 400 free relay.”

Can you describe your experience at Region?

“Well, it was really fun. I feel like that meet was one of the only meets where the whole team was together instead of like the boys were together and the girls were together. We were all kind of supporting each other. There was a lot of good energy I feel. I think all of us felt super good and that we were going to have a good meet.”

What were your expectations for Region prelims?

“Well, I was pretty nervous. And I think all I wanted to do was finally swim well, because I had not swam well the entire season. And so my expectations were that probably my buddies were going to do really well. And then I was going to try my best.”

What were your expectations for Region finals?

“Well, I had already swam and so I broke all of my previous personal records, and so I knew that I was going to do okay at finals. The expectation was that we were going to do better than I thought we were actually. So when we were going in I didn’t know how we were going to do and then the expectation for finals was that we were gonna do really well.”

What was your initial reaction when you find out you’re going to State?

“Well, I will admit I was really, really nervous because last year when I went to State, I was an alternate for the medley relay and the boys missed the medley relay and so I was not like a guaranteed alternate anymore. So when I found out I was going to State I was really, really relieved because I was on the cusp of not going because I’m an alternate. And so figuring out that I was going was just a nice, like relief because I thought I probably wasn’t.”

What is your favorite memory from this past season?

“Probably the 400 free at finals, region finals. The girls and the boys were both crazy. I will say one thing: Morgen Dozier’s 2 IM at finals was really good. That was one of the best things that any of us had seen all season. That was really good.”

What has been the hardest part leading up to State?

“Probably having a really rough season. My sophomore year was really good. I dropped a ton of time throughout the whole year, and I hit a wall all the junior year. I finally broke that wall so it was probably going in meet after meet and just not getting any better until Region. That was the hardest part.”

Is there anything else you would like to add?

“I’m really proud of the team as a whole because when we lost our seniors last year, I was really worried about how we would progress because we didn’t have the times to put down to get us anywhere good. And then going into Region we weren’t even supposed to win or get close to winning. And then we ended up having a lot of guys go 21’s and a lot girls crush times as well. And it was crazy.”

Brody Burns (10)
Brody Burns (10)

How long have you been swimming?

“10 years, I think.”

Is this your first time going to State?

“Yeah, it’s my first time going to State.”

How did you do at Region?

“Prelims I added time on everything and then in finals I PR’d.”

What did you compete in?

“The 50 freestyle and the 100 breaststroke.”

Can you describe your experience at Region prelims?

“I expected it to be like district because it’s at the New Caney pool. I expected it to be fun.”

What did you expect going into Region finals?

“My expectations for finals were to leave it all in the pool. I didn’t know if I was going to make it to State or not so my season was on the line.”

What was your initial reaction when you find out you’re going to State?

“I was with all my friends. I was at my friend’s house. And then I got the text that made State and then we all celebrated.”

What are your expectations for State?

“If I do swim, that will be for the 200 free really, but it’s still up in the air. And then I expect it to be very fun. Because the gang will be there.”

What is your favorite memory from this past season?

“Probably, senior night. It was fun hanging out with my friends.”

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