During its last competition of the year, the competition cheer team placed fifth overall after advancing through three rounds of eliminations. The cheer team faced off against 26 teams from across the country during the final round at Nationals.
“We felt very accomplished,” cheer coach Brittni Sharp said. ”We didn’t really have any expectations going in. We were just going to do our best; and to be rewarded like that, it was awesome.”

The competition cheer team has been working on their winning routine since September. Throughout the whole season the cheerleaders have been putting work and effort into every little step in order to make their performance perfect for Nationals.
“Everyone was definitely happy and just very proud, because the routine that we put on that floor was the best performance all year,” said Sharp.
During the regular season, the opportunity to perform at nationals was the cheerleaders’ motivation to succeed. This motivation and drive paid off for the cheerleaders as they were successful at making it to nationals which took place in Orlando, Fla., at Disney.
The competition cheer team plans on going back to Nationals next year in hopes of getting a higher placement than the one that they received this year.
“We are definitely going to do better next year,” sophomore Chila Guzman said.
The cheerleaders’ performance at nationals was special as it was the last time they would be performing with the seniors before they graduate.