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The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


Jason Wood

Jason Wood, Staff Reporter

“You are letting the characters write themselves,” – Jason Wood, sophomore. 

Jason Wood’s love for film and photography came to him over the summer when he was recovering from ear surgery. He focused his time on his camera, challenging himself to take three pictures and to write one script for a film story a day. The pictures would be of things he saw; the stories were short and usually comedic. He likes to focus his films on the way people react and interact with each other and enjoys the full writing process. Although Wood is more into film, he doesn’t want a job in the movie industry. He wants to make a living posting skits and short films to YouTube. Writing shorts allows him to create a meaningful story without having to get in depth with the character’s personality. Wood loves the adventure of writing the stories and how the plots evolve more than he expected.

– Avery Alvarez, Staff Reporter

All content by Jason Wood
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