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The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


Carmen Ramirez (12)

How many years have you been swimming? 

“Seven years.”

Is this your first time going to State? 

“Yes, it is. I’m really excited.”

How did you do at Region and what did you compete in? 

“I competed in the 200 freestyle. I placed, I think 14 and I was in the B finals. And then I also swam 100 breaststroke in the finals and I placed fifth. And then during prelims, I did the medley relay and we got second.” 

Can you describe your experience at Region? 

“I would describe it as well. I was conflicted because it was the last time I’d be swimming 200 free and a hundred breaststroke. So I was sad and I did cry, but it was really exhilarating. It was fun. I got to cheer on my teammates. That was fun. And I got to swim a 100 breaststroke one last time with one of my teammates, Cece. I really enjoyed doing breaststroke with her training and swimming.”

What were your expectations for Region?

“I was expecting to do a little better than I did. I did get a personal record, but I was expecting to place better.”

What was your initial reaction when you found out you’re going to State? 

“I was really excited.” 

How are you prepping for State?

“We’re just doing our regular thing. Keep going to practice every day and getting good sleep.”

What are your expectations for State? 

“I expect that we’ll do really well. We have really good relays. And then also, Coach read off like a, we have something called like a ‘seed chart,’ where basically it’ll tell you what you’re expected to place. And it sounds like a lot of our girls are going to place really well. So I expect it to be pretty good.”

This being your final year, what does going to State mean for you? 

“It means a lot to me because I have never been and, you know, a lot of the girls that have been and like to talk about it and stuff. And it just really seems like quite the experience. And I’m excited to go to make memories and also be with my team and it’ll be my final meet.” 

What is your favorite memory from this past season? 

“My favorite memory was when we went against Fulshear. I was trying to qualify for a really important meet, and everybody on the team knew that. So I was swimming the 100 breaststroke but by myself. Nobody else was in the water, and my entire team was around the pool cheering me on. And it just felt so surreal. Like it was just, I don’t know, it was exhilarating. It left a smile on my face. I didn’t get the time that I wanted. I was off by 0.15, but instead of being upset about it like I normally would have been, I was really happy because it was a personal record I had. It wasn’t the time I wanted, but just the way everybody was to me, like I couldn’t be upset about it, you know?”

What was the hardest part leading up to State? 

“I would say to go last or my ongoing tendinitis in my knee. Doing breaststroke,  breaststrokers tend to get knee problems. So it’s been on and off and it really just threw off some of my races.”

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