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The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


Cecelia Sullivan (11)

How long have you been swimming?

“I’ve really been swimming my whole life. I joined summer league when I was 7 and then K-Park for like three years.” 

Is this your first time going to State?

“This is my third time going to State.”

How did you do at Region?

“I actually did a lot better than I expected to. I PR’d (personal record) in the 50 free, and I got as close as I’ve gotten up to my PR in breaststroke all season so that’s good.”

What did you compete in?

“I competed in the 200 medley relay, and the 50 freestyle, 200 freestyle relay and 100 breaststroke.”

Can you describe your experience at Region?

“Honestly, it was a lot of fun. I was expecting it to go a lot worse than it did. I always feel like I  have a negative attitude during Region because it’s getting harder and there’s more competition, but I think we all just had a lot of fun watching everybody win. It was fun for the team to do so good too.”

What were your expectations for Region prelims?

“My only real goal was to make A final and there wasn’t that much competition in the events that I was swimming, so it wasn’t as hard as it had been the previous year.”

How about the Region finals?

“Day two, I really just wanted to do like the best I could do – try to place to get the team points. I think I succeeded in that as well as I could have.”

What was your initial reaction when you find out you’re going to State?

“I was very excited because it was a lot of fun going last year and going my freshman year as an alternate. I sort of know the drill so I’m not as scared as I was the previous years. And it’s a lot of fun because there’s so many girls going. That makes it so much fun.”

Are you doing anything to prep for state?

“We’re not swimming as much. Making sure I’m getting more sleep than I usually do definitely and eating better.”

What is your favorite memory from this past season?

“I think one of my favorite memories from this season at least so far, was definitely watching the for the 400 free relay because that was the one relay that I wasn’t swimming so I got to stand on the side and cheer and it was so amazing because they were so far ahead. It was just great to watch.”

What has been the hardest part leading up to State?

“Definitely my mindset especially during breaststroke because my back was sort of starting to hurt, like leading up to Region and I wasn’t sure if it would continue to hurt during Region or if it was like going to prevent me from swimming breaststroke, or at least like slow me down. So I haven’t improved as much as I was hoping this season. It was a little bit hard, but I think I had a more positive mindset when I was actually at Region, so that definitely helped me do better.”

Is there anything else you would like to add?

“I’m just excited for State.”

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