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The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


Daileyanne Brom (Allana)

Grade: Freshman

Q: What are you most excited about?

A: “I’ve had to learn a lot of new things, so I’m interested to see how they come together. Not to mention I love the costumes.”

Q: Who is your favorite character?

A: “Triton. I love how hard he tries to be his best for his daughters.”

Q: What has been the most difficult part of the rehearsal process so far?

A: “The hardest part of this rehearsal process so far is memorizing the songs and dances. Oh, and hitting a high C.”

Q: Who do you look up to in theater?

A: “I look up to all of my fellow cast members who were brave enough to join and participate in this project. It would be hard to pick just one, considering that everyone is extremely talented and kind. My family and I have been attending high school performances for years, and I find myself in awe of them every time.”

Q: Do you have any advice for people who might be interested in the theater world?

A: “The advice I would give is this: If you have an interest in theater, try it out, even if you if you think you don’t have the skillset. Talent comes with the work involved.”


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