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The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


Haylee Rankin

Grade: 12

Year on All Stars: 

All Stars Team: Black Team

What do you do to get yourself ready for a performance?

“I come to the school, I fix my hair, I put my makeup on. I do a little left-right stretch, and then I run the dances, and then I’m done.”

What is your favorite snack on game days?


What is your favorite part about being at the basketball games?

“I like basketball. My favorite part about being at the basketball games is watching the basketball game. No, it’s probably honestly, listening to all the parents like yell.”

What is the hardest thing about being an All Star?

“The hardest part about being on All Stars is you have to like really pay attention and you can’t look around, so that’s really difficult for me — not looking around. You have to pay attention to the dances and the music and be prepared for just when the song starts.”

What is the biggest difference between dancing on the team during football and competition season compared to All Stars?

“Football season is very schedule oriented and step by step, there’s a step you have to hit for everything. But All Stars, you’re on your toes there’s not really a schedule, you’re kind of just going and doing. It’s more fun and free, and you get to do more of your own thing rather than being all the same like soldiers.”

What special memory can you recall from being on the All Stars team?

“Getting ready with everybody.”

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