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The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


John Carr (12)

How many years have you been swimming?

“I have been swimming for all of high school and bit when I was younger. So about 13 years.”

Is your first time going to State? 

“No, I went to State last year.”

How did you do at region this year? 

“I did really well. A lot better than I thought I would do. I ended up going from third last year to first this year.”

What did you compete it?

“I competed in men’s one meter diving.”

Can you describe your experience there?

“My experience at Region was actually honestly kind of scary. I went in seeded second like I did last year, and I was worried that I was going to end up doing the same mistake as I did last year. But I ended up keeping my composure and just pushing through, knowing what I could do.”

What were your expectations for Region?

“My expectations were mostly to compete, just like focus on one dive after another, get what I can do and just move on.”

What was your initial reaction when you found out you’re going to State? 

“I was really excited. It’s my last time competing at State for the school, and I’m ready for one more ride there.”

What are your expectations for State?

“Honestly, I don’t really have high expectations. I’m honestly just there to compete. Do what I can do, hopefully make State finals, do better than I did last year.”

This being your final year, what does it mean to you to be going to state?

“Means a lot. It’s a really good feeling. And I’m just a little scared, but mostly excited to do it one more time.”

What has been a favorite memory of the season?

“Having more divers on the team than usual and actually having somebody else that’s a diver to go to State with me and so I can talk to them and just give them the rundown of everything and how it’s going to go.”

What is one of the hardest parts of the season?

“Definitely having to coach two other divers that had no experience at all and then being able to get them all to Region and one of them to State.”

How does it feel to be on a swim team that’s continuing to make history in the strong boys program? 

“It feels really good. Just knowing that I’m a part of a team that is going somewhere everybody knows and just being able to be like, ‘Hey, I was on that team too.’”

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