Megan Heginbotham
Grade: 12
Year on All Stars: 3
All-Stars Team: Black Team
What do you do to get yourself ready for a performance?
“I go out with my other All-Star friends and we go out to eat so we’re fueled up with energy and listen to the music.”
What is your favorite snack on game days?
“Whatever I’m craving, but normally it’s Subway and Reese’s.”
What is your favorite part about being at the basketball games?
“Watching the basketball team work together and seeing how their practice improves them through each game.”
What is the hardest thing about being an All Star?
“Standing waiting to dance. We also never know what dance we’re gonna dance next. Our director just plays a song and we have five to 10 seconds to know what dance we’re dancing. We have a list of songs and dances but she just kind of randomly chooses one and we’re like, “oh, do we need our poms do not need our poms?”
What is the biggest difference between dancing on the team during football and competition season compared to All Stars?
“All Stars is a lot more lenient. And we only have like 30 minutes of practice before each game and that’s the only practice we have that whole week. So we just have to remember the dances, we don’t have a consistent practice with it.”
What special memory can you recall from being on the All Stars team?
Making the team the first year. Made me feel pretty good because I was a rookie on the team. And so like all the officers and seniors made it and only like a handful of rookies made it, and I was one of them.