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The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


Sienna Morales, 8th

Q: What is your GPA, if you know it? 

A: 5.38.

Q: What are your plans after high school? 

A: Go to Texas State and major in nursing.

Q: Why did you choose that school? 

A: They gave me the most money and have a nursing school.

Q: What do you plan to major in? 

A: Nursing.

Q: What career do you wish to pursue in the future?

A: I hope to become a neonatal nurse because I enjoy being around babies.

Q: Have you been in the Top 10 all four years of high school?

A: Yes.

Q: How did your rank look throughout high school and how did it change?

A: It changed almost every year. I started at 9th my freshman year and then it fluctuated throughout the years. At one point I was 10th, 6th, 7th, and 8th.

Q: What did your schedule look like this year?

A: I took mostly advanced classes including English 3 Dual Credit, Statistics On Ramps, Advanced Anatomy and Physiology and Dual Credit EMT.

Q: What are your extracurricular activities? 

A: Soccer.

Q: What do you do outside of school? 

A: Hangout with friends and family, work, ER and ambulance clinicals.

Q: What was your favorite class you took in high school and why? 

A: Health Science 2 – Mrs. (Leanna) Rockwell made the class enjoyable by making different fun activities to learn different skills. She didn’t make us just do notes all class, but instead found creative ways to teach.

Q: What was your hardest class in high school and why? 

A: Precalculus On Ramps. The class felt very fast paced. We would learn something new every day for like 1 1/2 months and then have a big test over all of it. The material was also more difficult to grasp for me as opposed to the other math classes I had been taking.

Q: What staff member had the biggest impact on you? 

A: Mrs. (Heather) Medina showed me how being positive and sweet to everyone can change a person’s day. No matter how annoyed she is she still treats everyone with respect and speaks to them with a smile on her face.

Q: What would you say was your biggest accomplishment in high school?

A: Staying in the Top 10 all four years had always been my goal, so being able to accomplish that and make my parents proud means a lot to me.

Q: What’s a moment in high school that stuck out to you and why?

A: Being able to play soccer with the same girls from elementary. It brought back so many friendships that got separated.

Q: If you could give freshman you one piece of advice, what would it be? 

A: Go out with your friends more and make memories.

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