Harris loves friends theater has brought her

Elizabeth Piquette, Special contributar

Freshman Emerson Harris has been drawn to theater since the day she could think for herself.

Her first show was a Harry Potter themed show called “Puffs,” where she was a flex character playing Moaning Myrtle, Colin Creevey and Rowena Ravenclaw. 

“Such a great experience with some of the greatest people I’ve ever met,” said Harris.

Even though Emerson has always been in love with theater and the community surrounding it, she hasn’t always made the cut. During her first audition in middle school, she said she wasn’t prepared. 

“I felt defeated,” Harris said. 

Even though she felt let down, she didn’t let this stop her from trying again. 

Emerson’s friends and family have always been supportive of her love for theater. One time she recalls 10 of her friends all coming to one show. Emerson’s mother has always been especially supportive of her passion, because her mother was also in theater, and was her influence to start in the first place.

Emerson loves everything about theater but what makes her stay, she says, is the people. Including her best friend, Juno Martin. 

“We’ve known each other since first grade, but theater is what really brought us together,” Harris said. “As much as she loves theater she still experiences stage fright, but nevertheless adores it.”