Freshman Courtney Daniel spends spring juggling varsity track, soccer and golf.
Freshman goalkeeper Courtney Daniel punts the ball during overtime against College Station in the bi-district championship.
March 29, 2022
On Friday nights, Courtney Daniel can often be found in goal for the varsity soccer team. On Saturday mornings, she is working to earn medals on the varsity track team with the shot put or discus. Other days, Daniel is teeing off with the varsity golf team.

“I enjoy them, there is just never a dull moment doing these activities,” Daniel said.
Daniel is very busy with pre-AP classes and three sports practices. She starts her day off by getting up and ready. She then checks in with her sports that she has that day. While in class, she tries to finish as much homework as she can so she has less to do at night.
During flex hour, she spends all her free time with friends. After sixth period she either goes to the golf course, the track or the soccer field. Some days she splits the period between multiple teams. Between 4 or 5 p.m. she heads home depending on if she has a game or not.
One of Daniel’s favorite sports is golf. She likes to spend most of her time on the golf course with friends.
“It’s something that you can enjoy even if you’re not crazy good, because the entire game is purely based on your mentality and how you view it,” Daniel said.
She holds all of the Kingwood Middle School shot put records. This year, she has already medaled in varsity meets in the shot put and discus.
“Her techniques are pretty good, almost really good, she keeps working on it and it just keeps getting better and better,” coach Sean Bright said.
Daniel did not start playing any of these sports until 2020. She started track in 7th grade, and she started golfing during COVID with her dad.

She was encouraged to join the soccer team at the end of 8th grade at KMS. She played three games as goalkeeper and decided to continue it in high school. Due to an injury to senior Kennedy Dolmage, Daniel and Arleigh Doehring now share the role on the varsity team.
“She has gone from being somebody who would hope to be played to having a lot of time, due to a variety of circumstances, some of those circumstances are due to her hard work and her ability to learn quickly,’’ coach Jess White said.
Daniel said her first varsity game was stressful.
“I was insanely nervous,” Daniel said. “To be honest I was terrified. But I knew that I was capable and would only learn from the following events.”
With all of Daniel’s abilities she hopes to take it somewhere after high school.
“I would really like to go to college and be able to play sports,” Daniel said. “I know that with work I’m able to do anything. I truly think that if I put my heart and soul into it, I’ll be able to play a sport past high school.”
Pam Daniel • Apr 3, 2022 at 5:18 pm
Courtney – you can do well in Whatever you decide to do !