Powder Puff players ready for kickoff

Derriq Young

Sophomore Erin McLain races past defenders in their team’s last practice before the powder puff game. The teams held about six practices prior to tonight’s games.

Derriq Young, Staff Writer

After over a decade, the Powder Puff games are back. On May 13th, girls of all grade levels will participate in the flag football event. As the girls are hard at work preparing for the big night, the varsity football boys coach the girls and hold hour-long practices to run offensive and defensive drills along with running routes and going over plays. 

“My friends brought it up to me and it was posted on social media,” sophomore Ava Cockrall said. “All my friends wanted to do it so we all signed up and now we’re all in it.”

News of the Powder Puff games spread quickly around the school through social media and the morning announcements. Because of this, athletes rushed to secure their spots on the team. In doing so, these students got the opportunity to meet new people and compete with different teams. For most, they also get to experience playing football as a team for the first time. 

“Everyone is close so it makes it more fun for the Powder Puff game,” Cockrell said. “It’s like everyone is friends with everyone on the team, so it helps.”

As the school gets excited for the return of this event, the varsity football players are coaching the Powder Puff athletes. Some boys are also cheerleaders for the special event. Each coach came up with schedules, plays and plans to create unity on their team. 

“I’m going to try and make the best coaching decision in the game that I can and make sure all the girls are having fun,” junior class coach Cameron Maxey said. “Because at the end, this isn’t about being better than everybody else, it’s about the girls having fun.”