Student-run blood drive makes a difference

Derriq Young

Senior Aryl Clayton donates blood during the first of four blood drives on campus this year.

Derriq Young, Sports Editor

The second blood drive gave students on the opportunity to donate blood and save lives on Nov. 10. 

HOSA hosts four blood drives a year – two in the fall and two in the spring. This year, the blood drives have collected 142 units of blood, with a total 163 donors saving 426 lives in the process. 

“I think it shows how much KPARK reaches out to the community,” HOSA sponsor Kevin Caizley said. “The students put in a lot of work for the blood drive.”

All the blood that gets donated goes to different hospitals in the community. The donated blood can only be stored for five days. Because of this, the hospitals schedule the surgeries based on how much blood is available in the blood banks. 

“It is kind of a green light to schedule more surgeries, surgeries that a patient may need like a blood transfusion or traumatic injuries and all that type of stuff,” Caizley said. “They can schedule more surgeries knowing blood is going to be available.” 

Some students have given blood multiple times during high school. Senior Sofie Sifontes was a first-time donor yesterday.

“It was nerve racking but it felt nice doing something good for people that need blood,” Sifontes said. 

HOSA also offers different opportunities for the students who are part of the organization that help out in the blood drive. Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center offers scholarships for those who participate. 

“Just being  involved at the blood drive gives them a really good experience on how the blood drive works and what it entails,” Caizley said. “Behind the scenes and the organization of it. It’s a great experience to get to see all the phlebotomists, all the nurses, and all the doctors that draw the blood.”

Because of the huge turnout of students wanting to help save lives, they not only met their goal but exceeded in saving hundreds of people’s lives. 

“Just really proud of all the students that donated and all the students that worked the blood drive,” Caizley said.  “Because it’s the students that make it as successful as it is.”