Tiny Home adds plumbing for first time

Derriq Young

Junior Osvaldo Jasso paints trim near the roof of the architecture team’s latest Tiny Home.

MelieAn William, Staff Writer

Students are working to complete their fourth Tiny Home. Architecture and engineering teacher Missi Taylor helps lead the project that creates homes for veterans. This year, the team plans to have plumbing in the Tiny Home for the first time.

Operation Finally Home — they were like huge donors — have not only changed the fact that we are now building houses with plumbing in them, they’re also retrofitting the site where the houses go,” Taylor said. “So, they have a civil engineer, they have someone designing the septic tanks, plumbing systems, sewer lines, and everything else out there.”  

Operation Finally Home, one of the many organizations that helps fund the Tiny Home project, has decided to also provide engineering services on site as well.  Donations from big organizations and random people both play a huge role in the success of the new home.

With the addition of many new students, much has improved since last year, as more students want to get involved.  

“I think some of it is just overwhelming to new kids — they’re really just waiting for someone to say, ‘Hey, come here!’ But everyone is still very helpful,” Taylor said. 

Junior Marshall Burke is new to the program and loves the experience. 

“It’s really cool working with your friends on a house that’s going to a veteran,” Burke said. “I’m really excited to see the veteran’s face when we give the house to them.”