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The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


Assistant principal prepares to hand a device over to a family with the help of associate principal Wes Solomon. The principals worked together to get devices in the hands of more than 100 students who needed them.

Admin passes out devices as final nine weeks get underway

Kathleen Ortiz, Photography Editor April 7, 2020

Principal Lisa Drabing spent the past week and a half working to get electronic devices in the hands of students. Humble ISD rolled out its fourth nine-week grading plan on March 29, and since then Drabing...

Sophomore Amri Williams shows animals at the Humble Livestock Show in early January with the help of sophomores Mackenzie Dandridge and Holly Emms. She was also raising animals for the Houston Livestock Show but did not get an opportunity before the show was closed.

Canceled livestock show leaves FFA students in limbo

Trinity Curl, Business Editor April 2, 2020

FFA students spent months preparing to show their animals at the Houston Livestock Show. They were devastated when Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner announced the livestock show was closing almost two weeks...

With distance learning happening across the nation, the College Board made adjustments to its Advanced Placement tests.

AP teachers, students adjust to new test prep plans

Sara Geiger, Editor-in-Chief March 26, 2020

In light of the nationwide school closures, College Board notified teachers, parents and students on Mar. 20 that all Advanced Placements tests will be moved online. Each test will cover all lessons and...

The Kingwood Park parking lots sits empty as the school remains closed because of coronavirus. Teachers are creating distance learning lessons for students who are encouraged to stay at home until the government says it is safe for people to gather again.

Drabing encourages hope as uncertainty looms for many

Kathleen Ortiz, Photography Editor March 20, 2020

Principal Lisa Drabing spent much of the last few days on the phone or video chatting, as all students and teachers in Humble ISD were directed to stay home due to the coronavirus. Between the seemingly...

Brian Bowland, a senior clinical lab specialist at UCLA Health System, prepares a kit used in coronavirus detection.

Myth Busting: What do you know about COVID-19?

Sara Geiger and Trinity Curl March 20, 2020

There is so much information circulating about COVID-19 it is sometimes hard to separate the myths from the facts. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has all the information you need and more....

Seniors hold out hope prom, graduation remain on schedule

Seniors hold out hope prom, graduation remain on schedule

Sara Geiger, Editor-In-Chief March 20, 2020

The coronavirus forced Houston ISD to close all of its schools through April 10. Humble ISD followed suit a few days later, leaving the class of 2020 wondering how their final year of high school will...

Principal Lisa Drabing is named Region 4 Humble ISD Secondary Principal of the Year. She joined the staff as an assistant principal in 2000 and became head principal in 2012.

Drabing earns honor for outstanding leadership

Kathleen Ortiz, Features Editor March 18, 2020

Lisa Drabing was a ruthless volleyball and basketball coach long before she was a principal at Kingwood Park. She was competitive, hard nosed and allowed no nonsense.  She’s used many of the same...

This illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveals ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses. Note the spikes that adorn the outer surface of the virus, which impart the look of a corona surrounding the virion, when viewed electron microscopically. A novel coronavirus, named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China in 2019. The illness caused by this virus has been named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

School district implements new protocol as Coronavirus spreads

Sara Geiger, Editor-in-Chief March 7, 2020

  Humble Independent School District released an update to students, parents and faculty describing what precautions the district is taking in light of the rapid spread of the Coronavirus COVID-19.   ...


Veteran CTE teacher named campus Teacher of the Year

Blanca Cantu, Opinions Editor February 13, 2020

Right before students and teachers were to be off for the February break, CTE teacher Rolanda Wilkins found herself lined up beside the finalists for Teacher of the Year at the faculty meeting. The finalists...

Panther Pals’ bonds leave impact

Natalie Saydyk, Staff Writer February 11, 2020

Every kid wants to have the “normal” high school experience:  go to school, join clubs, participate in sports and theater arts, make friends, go to homecoming and prom, and eventually walk the stage...

Junior Noah Harrison speaks to the Computer Science UIL team during a club meeting. Harrison is one of the leaders of the team along with junior Nicholas Zolton, who started the club.

Computer science team seeks more success in UIL

Trinity Curl, Business Editor February 11, 2020

UIL teams on campus range from sports to academics. One group that has been achieving success and flying under the radar is the computer science UIL team.    “We have people that have never touched...

A young woman with a Venus sign painted on her cheek solemnly listens to a speaker in front of City Hall on the morning of Jan. 25.

Women’s March inspires thought, emotion

Sara Geiger, Editor-in-Chief February 11, 2020

  The Women's March took place at City Hall in Houston on the morning of Jan. 25. Hundreds of women, men and children gathered to hear speeches and performances from various activists and state...

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