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The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The Elm Grove playground is a popular spot now that it has been completely redesigned.

New playground brightens days at Elm Grove

Alice Allison, Special Contributor May 5, 2023

Elm Grove Elementary opened their new playgrounds to the public on April 5 after much anticipation. The construction took six months from November until April. The playground features many different types...

Meet the Academic Top 10

Meet the Academic Top 10

Shelby Townsend, Staff Writer April 25, 2023

Senior grades froze at the end of the third quarter and class ranks were settled. By early April, the school announced the students who had finished in the Top 10. Read about each one and their journey...

Physics boat races make a splash

Yusra Hasan and Bailey Hall April 20, 2023

Physics students built cardboard boats. The classes then raced against each other on April 12-13 to find which boat was the fastest. The students' main goal was to keep their boat from sinking for at least...

After touring the latest Tiny Home being built by the architecture students, congressman Dan Crenshaw shakes hands with senior Jonathan Mitchell. Mitchell is a captain on this year's Tiny Home team. Crenshaw spoke to students about the importance of their project.

Crenshaw praises work done by Tiny Home students

Cara Helton, Staff Writer April 12, 2023

Congressman Dan Crenshaw inspired students when he visited campus to speak on the impact the Tiny Homes project has on veterans. “Everybody wants to do something for veterans, there’s a million...

Senior Victoria Goncalo carries her schoolwork in a crock pot on Monday. The seniors have a different theme each day leading up to prom on Saturday. The theme on Monday was "anything but a backpack."

Big dates still ahead packed with fun for seniors

Jacob Valcarce, News editor April 10, 2023

As the Class of 2023’s senior year comes to an end, there are some key events still ahead: senior picnic, senior sunset, prom and graduation. The senior picnic is going to be held at Big River Waterpark...

The color guard performed a preview of their show for the community before they went to the area competition.

Color guard performers take 3rd at area competition

Jacob Valcarce, News Editor April 5, 2023

The color guard competed in their final competition at the area championships on March 25. After several months of rehearsal, they competed against 11 different schools across the area at Klein Collins...

The Silver Stars celebrate at the end of the awards ceremony in Arlington on March 25.

Silver Stars bring home big awards at nationals

Kaitlyn Sitton, Design Editor April 4, 2023

The Silver Stars spent a long weekend competing and bonding with each other at the MA national competition in Arlington on March 23-26. Through this competition, the team won first in lyrical and jazz...

While school has not had COVID restrictions for quite awhile, the impact of it remains on staff and students.

Three years after the shutdown, COVID’s impact lingers

Fallon Head, Web editor March 31, 2023

Three years after COVID, the threat of the pandemic has gone down, but fear, stress and anxiety remain. While the lockdown caused stress for most people, teens were not immune even as the country has returned...

Victoria Ramos and Josh Chavez play their drums as Ean Osbourn, the bunny, dances.

KPIPE finds success in first season back

Bailey Hall, Staff Writer March 29, 2023

The Kingwood Park Indoor Percussion Ensemble, also known as KPIPE, is back after three years. Head band director Bre Osbourn brought it back, wanting the band to do more than just marching season. They’ve...

While waiting for their next computer science event, juniors Vuong Nguyen and Max Leal talk with junior David Geslison, They took second place as a team.

UIL academic team advances 18 to Regionals

Shelby Townsend, Staff Writer March 28, 2023

The UIL academic team found success at the district meet at Porter High School on March 25. The group took home four team titles – journalism, social studies, calculator applications and science. In...

Senior Cameron Williams helps move set pieces for their UIL show “The Diviners.” The cast placed third in the district competition and advanced for bi-districts on March 23.

UIL cast, crew tackle one-act play ‘Diviners’

Exa Nix, Staff Writer March 22, 2023

For weeks, the cast of Diviners has been preparing for their UIL one-act play competition. Plays are required to be under 40 minutes and judges watch, with only the top performances advancing to the next...

Orchestra offers music lessons at lunch

Cara Helton and Exa Nix March 15, 2023

Orchestra students spent a week filling the commons with music. Their goal was to teach as many students as they could how to play an orchestra instrument. In the end, they hoped they inspired some new...

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