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The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


The student news site of Kingwood Park High School


When prom arrives, students will celebrate at the J.W. Marriott in downtown Houston.

Seniors finalize plans as prom nears

Reece Cavallo, Staff Writer April 27, 2022

On May 7, the Class of 2022 is set to celebrate their prom in style at one of the most highly rated hotels in downtown Houston. Seniors and their dates will dance the night away from 7 p.m. until 11 p.m....

Junior Vivian Garcia celebrates and her group's boat stays afloat during the fifth period physics boat races on Wednesday.

Winning boats wipe out the competition

Shelby Townsend, Staff Writer April 22, 2022

Celebrations took place for two days as students tested out their boats in physics class and stayed afloat.  On Wednesday and Thursday, physics classes competed in boat races in the school's natatorium....

Junior Yailette Ibarra falls into the pool as teammate Favor Rogers continues trying to steer their sinking boat during fourth period.

Sinking boats still carry lessons

Gabby Norman and Camilla Escobar April 22, 2022

Boat races in physics have proven to be one of the school’s most-loved traditions, whether the boat floats or not. The goal was to make a boat made up of mostly cardboard, and then put two teammates...

Students in the physics program showcased a boat at a special GT Expo at Kingwood Middle School earlier in the week. They are racing them in the water April 20-21.

Physics students ready for races

Lexi Guillen, Video Editor April 20, 2022

Nine years ago, physics teacher Glenn Taylor and two other physics teacher came up with the boat project. Students build a boat with the main material being cardboard. This end-of-year project has turned...

Surrounded by friends and classmates, Gracey Laboy-Lopez looks for clothes.

Students raise money, find deals in Flex Market

Derriq Young, Staff Writer April 19, 2022

When you walked in the commons, students flocked to different tables scoping the scene for gently-used clothes, shoes, jewelry, books and the hundreds of donated items being sold. The usually empty area...

Gbemisola Olaoya practices between events. She finished first in Digital Art and Vocal Group. She also placed in Vocal Solo.

Students leave mark at French Symposium

Daniel Spear, Staff Writer April 13, 2022

For two days, French was heard throughout the building and decorations relating to the French Revolution hung in the commons. Students from across Texas arrived at Kingwood Park to participate in the French...

Food bins are strategically placed to help make it easy for students to help donate to the Math NHS food drive.

Food drive runs through Friday

Samantha Head, Staff Writer April 4, 2022

Math NHS is hosting a food drive this week. The drive is accepting any non-perishable items like canned food, pasta, rice and peanut butter. “I think the food drive is huge because we’re looking...

Students in AP Human work on an assignment during class. All students will have the options to take finals in the spring to improve their grades. The tests will not be required.

Relief hits students as finals system remains

Shelby Townsend, Staff Writer April 1, 2022

A system was put in place regarding finals when COVID first hit in 2019 and students went online for school. It was made where finals could only help a student’s grade.  If a student scored higher...

Seniors Sarah Cutrer and Elyse McVey share a scene in "Life with Iris" in November. Both seniors are performing in the UIL One-Act Play and hope to advance past bi-districts on March 25.

Strong performances lead cast into bi-districts

Shelby Townsend, Staff Writer March 22, 2022

Awards at theater competitions are a highlight for many students. Everyone dresses up in formal clothing and screams and yells when someone in their company wins an award. For the company at Kingwood Park,...

Students are expected to wear their ID badges around their neck anytime they are on campus.

Safety continues to be reason behind ID policies

Kennedy Watkins, Staff Writer March 18, 2022

As a safety measure, students are required to wear their IDs to school everyday. Some choose to wear it and others try to get through the day without it. Assistant principal Mack Malone stands at the...

Architecture teacher Missi Taylor works with students on the framework for the bathhouse they are building.

Crew prepares to finalize latest Tiny Home

Emilie Tauzin and Daisy Ramirez March 9, 2022

The Construction Management I & II class, also known as the Tiny Homes team, nears the end of their latest Tiny House build. They started building the year’s house Aug. 11. They not only are building...

Seniors Paige Heyl and Sarah Cutrer sit together on the charter bus headed to an official rehearsal for their UIL competition play on March 1.

Health becomes top priority in UIL preparations

Shelby Townsend, Staff Writer March 1, 2022

COVID-19 has hit the theater department hard more than once this year. They started up rehearsals in January for their UIL competition show, “The Girl in the White Pinafore,” but a spurt of cases took...

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